Getting Paid Resources

Articles about negotiating

The Science of Negotiating a Raise from Ellevest

How to negotiate your salary after you’ve received an offer letter from Ladders

Articles on RD salaries, to “pop the balloon” on the limiting beliefs we are taught as RDs,and%20go%20up%20to%20%24100%2C590.

Tools to Research Salaries -- This is my favorite career blog ever! I feel like they give so much good information. Their salary page is very in depth, but full of great tools to research. I like that they teach women how to create a budget to know what salary they need, and then give tools to find a job that fits. (from Joy Lewis) --- This is a great website from the bureau of labor statistics, and give averages nationwide for RDs -- ONET is the best website. I use this website to build my resume, and it breaks down salary by area and breaks it down by quartiles. The most accurate website I have seen for salaries. (from Joy Lewis)

Two other useful tools

1. Career Service Centers on College Campus- During my internship a career counselor met with us. She provided us resources on salary negotiations. resume drafts, cover letter examples, and appropriate attire. I think this may be an underutilized tool. After finishing my internship I continued to use their services.

2. Dress For Success (women) and Career Gear (Men) - They are more than just a suit! I am still a member of this organization. The women in this group taught me so much. This is open to graduating college students and veterans. It requires a referral. They do a lot of job prep, and helped me prepare for interviews. Additionally, they have professional development. Great organizations.