Season 2 Episode 7: Sharing Her Story and Shining On


Feed Me the Facts was created not only to help navigate the dietetic educational pathway through the lens of diverse students, practitioners and educators but also to lift up stories for us by us. Yes, we are part of a larger group of people of color but each of our experiences are unique and should be shared if we want them to be. This weeks podcast guest, Starla Garcia aka @starla_shines graciously shared a bit of her story in our online RDN survey. She told us about how being a eating disorder(ED) survivor has helped her become a better ED Dietitian to Latina patients and why more Latinx dietitians are needed in pediatrics, women’s health, and diabetes education. Today she talks more about her pathway, her career, her story and how she continues to shine.

About Starla

Houston city-dweller, a Rio Grande Valley native, former University of Houston Track and Field/ XC distance runner, and Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist. After fully recovering from an eating disorder and experiencing a few injuries during her collegiate and post-collegiate running career,  she reflected on how her nutritional choices and self care could help improve not only her running but also how it made her over well being so much butter.

These days you can find Starla running on her favorite trails in Houston, doing strength training at the gym, and scouring the city for new green juice spots and healthy eats. 

Deanna Belleny